Reading to Deepen Understanding
and to Confirm Predictions

Photo of cover of Magazine, “.net”

Source: .net November 2008, Cennydd, Flickr

You skimmed headings, images, maps, and graphs for a quick overview. You also mapped out the article to gain an understanding of its organization, and you read through the introduction, conclusion, and topic sentences. You even wrote a prediction of what the article might say.

This means it’s time to read the entire article and its accompanying information. As you read, confirm your predictions. Using your notes, write down important details the writer includes to strengthen her ideas.

Your next step is to write a summary of the article. What are the writer’s main ideas? What are the most important supporting ideas? What are the conclusions? Use your notes again to write down your thoughts. When you are finished, check your understanding to see a summary of the article.

Check Your Understanding

Sample Response:

In “High Tech Co-ops: Changing Energy Realities,” Carol Moczygemba explains how Texas energy co-ops are leading the way in new technology. Moczygemba’s article discusses the rising use of the smart meter so that customers can monitor their electricity use digitally if they so choose. The smart meters also allow electric companies to monitor a customer’s energy use in remote locations. Besides the smart meters, Moczygemba explains how co-ops are doing as much as possible to help their customers be wise, efficient consumers. As an example, Moczygemba introduces us to a couple who have wind turbines in their backyard to help offset their electricity use. Finally, she explains how co-ops have really arrived in the 21st century with their use of social networking to keep customers and themselves informed.
