Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Can you fill in the following blanks?

Remember, covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons. Typically two, four, or six electrons are shared during covalent bonding. Covalent bonds are formed by nonmetals and some metalloids when they behave as nonmetals.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Determine the number of valence electrons each element has, and click submit. You will then see the Lewis valence electron dot structure. Finally, determine how many more electrons they will need to complete the valence shell, and click submit again. Use the periodic table on the STAAR reference material to help.

In covalent bonding, nonmetallic elements share electrons so that both elements can have a full valence shell.

Covalent bonds can be represented with electron dot formulas. These are often referred to as Lewis structures and are a little different than the electron dot formulas used to represent ionic bonds. Let’s start with viewing some basic examples.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on the Next button to progress through the slide show.

Sources of images used for this section as they appear, top to bottom: