

Well Done!
Square Deal Cause and Effect

Hepburn Act

Natural resources
were being wasted; arid
lands were unusable.

Allowed federal control of scarce water supplies; built irrigation dams in the West.

Antiquities Act

Allowed presidents to declare lands to be national monuments, thus protecting them.

The ICC had failed to stop railroad abuses.

Elkins Act

Resulted in federal inspections of meat packing plants; banning of false labels on foods and drugs.









The ICC was weak and ineffective.
Strengthened ICC by giving it the right to regulate rates of railroads, pipelines and terminals.
Newlands Reclamation Act
People were damaging Native American archeological sites and other lands with items of importance.
Banned rebate on railroad freight rates, strengthening the ICC.
False labeling and unsanitary processing of food and drugs endangered people’s health.
Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act