1. Which city is experiencing clear weather?

City A

City B

City C

Incorrect. A cold front is moving toward city C. Cold fronts bring thunderstorms.
Incorrect. A warm front is moving toward City B. Warm fronts generally bring precipitation.
Correct! High pressure systems are associated with clear weather.

2. Which city can expect several days of precipitation followed by clear and warm weather conditions?

City A

City B

City C

Incorrect. A cold front is moving toward city C. Cold fronts bring thunderstorms followed by cool weather.
Correct! A warm front is moving toward City B. Warm fronts generally bring precipitation followed by clear warm weather conditions.
Incorrect. High pressure systems are associated with clear weather.

3. Which type of front occurs when a warm air mass meets a cold air mass but neither has enough force to move the other?

Cold Front

Warm Front

Stationary Front

Occluded Front

Incorrect. A cold weather front is a region where a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air mass.
Incorrect. A warm weather front is a region where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass.
Correct! Stationary fronts occur when a warm air mass meets a cold air mass but neither has enough force to move the other.
Incorrect. Occluded fronts happen when two cold air masses trap a warm air mass and force it upward.