A forest fire occurred in East Texas, dramatically disrupting the ecosystem. Which of the following best explains how genetic traits in organisms will be affected by this disruption?

A. The forest fire will cause immediate genetic mutations in organisms living in the forest.
Incorrect. Genetic mutations happen over time and are passed genetically from parent to offspring.

B. Some individual organisms will change their color to better camouflage themselves in the new ecosystem.
Incorrect. Organisms do not have the ability to change their coloring to match a change in the environment.

C. Genetic traits that favor survival in the new ecosystem will become more abundant in the population overtime.

D. Immediately new traits will appear that are better suited for the ecosystem.
Incorrect. New traits do not immediately appear. The organisms with the favorable traits will survive and over time pass those traits to offspring.

Due to rising temperatures in the ocean waters of Antarctica, there has been a decreased amount of sea ice. There has also been a decline in the emperor and Adelie penguin populations since these penguins are dependent on sea ice for feeding and breeding. However, there has been an increase in open-ocean-feeding penguins such as the chinstrap and the Gentoo. Which statement best explains what is happening to the penguin population in the Antarctic?

A. The chinstrap and Gentoo penguins were able to change their feeding habits and were able to get food while the emperor and Adelie penguins were not.
Incorrect. Organisms do not change their behavior in order to adapt to a changing environment. The organisms with the advantageous trait survive and pass on the traits to their offspring.

B. The chinstrap and Gentoo penguins have adaptations that allow them to feed in open waters that are now available due to the decreased amount of sea ice. These penguins will survive and pass on their traits to their offspring.

C. The emperor and Adelie penguins will adapt and learn to feed in the open waters, and their population will increase.
Incorrect. Organisms do not change their behavior in order to adapt to a changing environment. The organisms with the advantageous trait survive and pass on the traits to their offspring.

D. The increase in water temperature will cause immediate mutations in the penguin population, and the population size will increase.
Incorrect. Genetic mutations happen over time and are passed genetically from parent to offspring.

A tornado hit two counties in Central Texas, destroying property and severely damaging trees in its path. What would be the most likely effect on the ecosystem?

A. Plants suited for full sunlight will begin to grow in the area now that the large trees are gone.

B. The surviving trees will grow stronger roots and become more wind resistant.
Incorrect. Organisms do not change their behavior in order to adapt to a changing environment. The organisms with the advantageous trait survive and pass on the traits to their offspring.

C. The animals in the ecosystem will change their feeding habits to match the changed environment.
Incorrect. Organisms do not change their behavior in order to adapt to a changing environment. The organisms with the advantageous trait survive and pass on the traits to their offspring.

D. The same type of trees that were destroyed by the tornado would immediately start growing again.
Incorrect. The same type of trees would not immediately start growing again because the abiotic factors have changed due to the tornado.

A farmer used a certain pesticide to kill insects that were damaging his crops. After several years of using the same pesticide, he noticed that it was not killing the insects anymore. Which of the following statements best describes what is happening in this situation?

A. After several years of use, the pesticide was not as strong as it was the first few years the farmer used it so it would not kill as many insects.
Incorrect. The pesticide would not decrease in strength.

B. Some of the insects had traits that allowed them to survive the pesticide. These surviving insects were able to pass the pesticide-resistant trait on to their offspring. Over time the population of insects living on his crops came to be made of individuals that had the pesticide-resistant trait.

C. The pesticide would diffuse into the plants. When the insects ate the leaves of the plant, they would also digest some of the pesticide which would cause them to mutate and be able to survive the pesticide.
Incorrect. Genetic mutations happen over time and are passed genetically from parent to offspring.

D. The insects have mutated and become stronger; therefore, they are able to survive the pesticide.
Incorrect. Organisms do not change their behavior in order to adapt to a changing environment. The organisms with the advantageous traits survive and pass on the traits to their offspring.