Which action below best illustrates a student contributing to conservation of resource efforts?

A. a student purchasing new school supplies made from new materials
Incorrect. No supplies were made from recycled materials.

B. a student purchasing a large number of notebooks and writing utensils
Incorrect. Nothing in that statement contributes to conservation.

C. a student purchasing recycled notebook paper and pencils made from recycled products
Correct! All supplies are made from recycled materials, thus contributing to the conservation of resources.

D. a student driving their dad’s truck to school each day
Incorrect. This action does not contribute to a conservation of resources.

You just received a new iPhone for your birthday. What is the best way to dispose of your current cell phone?

A. Throw it in the trash.
Incorrect. This just adds to the trash in the landfills.

B. Take it to a center that is designated to recycle cell phones.
Correct! This conserves energy and keeps usable materials out of landfills.

C. Take it apart and try to recycle its individual parts.
Incorrect. Recyclable materials need to be handled by facilities, which are specifically equipped for those materials.

D. Smash it into small pieces and then throw it away.
Incorrect. This still just adds to the landfills and does not recycle materials in any way.

One economic benefit of using rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries is that rechargeable batteries —

A. are cheaper to manufacture
Incorrect. Rechargeable batteries are not cheaper to manufacture than standard batteries.

B. can be packaged in small containers
Incorrect. Rechargeable batteries are the same size as standard batteries.

C. can be used many times
Correct! Rechargeable batteries are reusable which makes extended use less expensive and reduces use of resources.

D. generate their own electricity
Incorrect. Batteries do not generate their own electricity.

Which of these activities can help conserve natural resources?

A. Recycling cardboard boxes
Correct! Recycling reduces the need to use new resources.

B. Washing small loads of laundry
Incorrect. Washing small loads results in a greater use of fresh water.

C. Driving large cars
Incorrect. Larger cars tend to be less efficient than smaller cars.

D. Building wooden fences
Incorrect. Building wooden fences uses natural resources.