What does the acronym PASS stand for when using a fire extinguisher?

A. Push, Aim, Sweep, Swat
Incorrect. Aim is correct. but the others are not.

B. Pull, Arm, Squeeze, Swish
Incorrect. Pull is correct, but the others are not.

C. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep

D. Push, Aim, Shake, Swish
Incorrect. Pull is correct, but the others are not.

During a laboratory investigation, students were instructed to wear safety goggles. One student said that she did not have to wear goggles because she had glasses on. Was the student correct and why or why not?

A. The student is correct. The glasses will provide plenty of protection.
Incorrect. The student is not correct. Regular glasses do not provided adequate protection against chemical splashes.

B. The student is incorrect. Regular glasses will not protect from chemical splashes because they have no side protection.

C. The student is correct. You do not have to wear eye protection during a lab involving chemicals.
Incorrect. Protective eye wear must be worn during labs involving chemicals.

D. The student is correct. As long as the eyes are covered she is safe.
Incorrect. The student is not correct. Regular glasses do not provided adequate protection against chemical splashes.

During a lab investigation, a student was wearing nitrile gloves. During the experiment a hot beaker needed to be removed from a hot plate. The student thought that he was safe to move the hot beaker since he had on nitrile gloves. Was he correct and why or why not?

A. The student was incorrect. Nitrile gloves protect against chemical spills but do not provide protection from hot objects. The student should put on heat resistant gloves to move the beaker.

B. The student is correct. Nitrile gloves will protect his hands from the heat.
Incorrect. Nitrile gloves are not heat resistant.

C. He is incorrect. He should be wearing latex gloves instead.
Incorrect. Latex gloves are not heat resistant either.

D. He is correct. Moving the beaker from the hot plate would not require any protection.
Incorrect. When moving hot glassware heat resistant gloves should be worn.

During a lab investigation, a chemical splashed in a student’s (who was not wearing goggles) eyes. After notifying the teacher, what piece of equipment should be used?

A. Safety Shower
Incorrect. Safety showers should be used when a toxic or corrosive chemical spills on the body or clothing. It will not flush the eyes.

B. Goggles
Incorrect. The student should have worn goggles to prevent the chemical splash.

C. Apron
Incorrect. Aprons protect clothing from chemical spills.

D. Eye Wash