one of two or more numbers that are being added together
additive relationship
a relationship between two variables in which the second variable is related to the first variable with an addend; generally written in the form y = x + a
a step-by-step procedure for performing a computation
angle measure
the amount of rotation required to move from one ray of an angle to the second ray of an angle, usually measured in degrees
the amount of flat space covered by a two-dimensional figure
associative property
a property that enables the different combinations of the same operation to be performed in different orders
Addition: a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
Multiplication: a(bc) = (ab)c
a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities
the baseline for one direction in a coordinate system
bank register
a record of all transactions occurring with that bank account
bar graph
a graph that uses either vertical or horizontal bars to display countable data
benchmark fraction
a common fraction, such as ¼, ½, or ¾, that is used to estimate the value of other fractional quantities
box plot
a graphic method for showing a summary of data using the five-number summary of data: median, lower quartile, upper quartile, maximum, and minimum
Cartesian Coordinate Plane
a four-quadrant coordinate grid with two intersecting axes
Each axis indicates a direction from a central point called the origin.
categorical data
types of data that can be divided into groups
circle graph
a graphical display that divides a circle into regions representing a portion of the total set of data
central tendency
a measure used to describe the central clustering of a set of data (e.g., mean, mode, median).
the numerical factor of a term
commutative property
a property that enables the order of certain operations to be changed
Addition: a + b = b + a
Multiplication: ab = ba
a numerical term without a variable
complementary angles
two angles whose angle measures have a sum of 90°
current balance
the amount of money available in the account presuming there are no outstanding transactions
in a fraction a/b, the value of b, which represents the number of equal-sized parts into which one whole unit will be divided
dependent variable
the output variable of a relationship
distributive property
a property that allows numbers to be combined using one operation, usually addition or subtraction, before combining the value with another operation, usually multiplication or division
in a division problem, the number that is being broken into smaller groups; if the problem is a number sentence, the dividend is the first number, and if the problem is written with a division bracket, then the dividend is the number inside the bracket
in a division problem, the number that is being divided into the dividend; if the problem is a number sentence, the dividend is the second number, and if the problem is written with a division bracket, then the dividend is the number to the left of the bracket
dot plot
a graphical display of data showing frequency of data on a number line
a comparison of two equal expressions
a mathematical statement that demonstrates that two numbers, expressions, or other objects are equal
two or more quantities with the same value
equivalent fractions
two or more fractions that represent the same part of a same-size whole
a mathematical phrase that combines numbers and/or variables using mathematical operations
one of two numbers being multiplied
the number of data items in an interval
frequency table
a table that shows how often a number, item, or range of numbers appears in a set of data
a graphical display that shows frequencies as bars and shows how many data values fall into a certain interval
The width of the bar represents the interval, while the height indicates the number of data items, or frequency, in that interval.
improper fraction
a fraction with a numerator that is greater than its denominator, representing a quantity that is greater than 1
independent variable
the input variable of a relationship
a comparison of expressions that aren’t equal
interior angle
an angle that is located inside a polygon
interquartile range
the difference between the first quartile and third quartile of a set of data
a range of values in which data are displayed in a histogram
line graph
a graphical display that shows data values as points that are connected with line segments
Line graphs are used to show changes in variables over time.
lower quartile
the boundary point separating the bottom quarter of a data set from the remaining three-quarters of the data set, when the data is ordered from least to greatest; also called the first quartile
arithmetic average of a set of numbers
middle point of a set of ordered numbers with half of the numbers are above and half of the numbers are below
mixed number
a combination of a whole number and a fraction that represents a fractional quantity greater than 1
the most frequent value of a set of numbers
multiplicative identity
multiplying a number by 1, or an expression equivalent to 1, resulting in a product that is equivalent to the original number
multiplicative relationship
a relationship between two variables in which the second variable is related to the first variable with a factor or multiplier; generally written in the form y = kx
in a fraction a/b, the value of a, which represents the number of equal-sized parts (indicated by the denominator) that are taken together to form the fraction
order of operations
a ranking that determines the order in which mathematical operations should be performed: grouping/parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division, and addition/subtraction
the point of intersection of the axes in a coordinate system
The ordered pair for this point is written as (0,0).
data points that are much smaller or larger than most of the data
a quadrilateral with two pairs of parallel sides
a part-to-whole ratio that is given in terms of parts per hundred
the result of two numbers that were multiplied together
an equation showing two ratios that are equivalent
a grouping of data into quarters, when the data is ordered from least to greatest
the result of two numbers that were divided
the difference between the greatest value and the least value in a set of data
a comparison between two different quantities that describe the same attribute
rational numbers
a set of numbers that can be written as a ratio of two integers
a value that, when multiplied by a fraction, has a product of 1; a multiplicative inverse
a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite sides that are congruent and four right angles
right rectangular prism
a three-dimensional figure with two congruent bases that are parallel and rectangular in shape and lateral faces that are perpendicular to both bases
scale factor
a ratio between two sets of measurements
a shape of data distribution that appears to be distorted and not symmetrical around the center of the data
a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and four right angles
stem and leaf plot
a frequency distribution made by arranging data
a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel lines
a polygon with three sides
upper quartile
the boundary point separating the top quarter of a data set from the remaining three-quarters of the data set, when the data is ordered from least to greatest; also called the third quartile
a mathematical quantity, generally represented by a letter
a set of measures used to describe how spread out a data set is (e.g., range)
Venn diagram
a display that pictures unions and intersections of sets
vertex of an angle
in an angle, the common endpoint shared by the two rays of the angle
the amount of space contained inside a three-dimensional figure