Source: Magic Wand, Snaily, Wikimedia
When authors use metaphors in their literary texts, they create a special kind of magic, an ability to convey powerful qualities and meanings with only a few words by comparing two unlike things without using like or as. The authors use these comparisons to describe a person or thing using words that are not meant to be taken literally. To see metaphor in action, read sentences one and two below. Sentence one does not use a metaphor.
1. Although Grandpa may seem a bit grumpy whenever I ask him for something, I always find out later that he was thinking of ways to help me.
Now, watch how the same meaning can be conveyed in very few words using the powers of the magical metaphor superhero.
2. Underneath it all, Grandpa has a heart of gold.
Source: golden oldy, marie-II, Flickr
Voila! The magic here is that we understand the grandfather’s character through the author’s use of this metaphor. Obviously, Grandpa does not literally have a heart made of gold, but from the author’s use of metaphor, we know that Grandpa has wonderful, kind qualities, even though sometimes they may be hidden under a gruff exterior.
Now, use your own powers of perception to explain the meanings of some magical metaphors from literary texts by matching each metaphor to its description. Think about the types of qualities revealed by the words in the metaphor, just as you did with the similes. The “think aloud” explanations with the first two questions will help you understand how to interpret each metaphor.
Now that you have interpreted the metaphors above, choose the quality or effect revealed by each of these metaphors.
Source: Magic wand, Bastique, Wikimedia
Do you see how the metaphors work like magic? These superheroes are figures of speech the author uses to create imagery and to communicate ideas beyond the literal level. In our final section, you will learn how authors sometimes even use extended metaphors in their literary texts.