Source: No Name Road street sign. Yazoo County,
Mississippi, NatalieMaynor, Wikimedia Commons
You may be curious to know whether your own name could show up in a future forecast. Look at the chart below to see if you will share a name with a hurricane.
2015 | Ana | Bill | Claudette | Danny | Erica | Fred | Grace |
Henri | Ida | Joaquin | Kate | Larry | Mindy | Nicholas | |
Odette | Peter | Rose | Sam | Teresa | Victor | Wanda | |
2016 | Alex | Bonnie | Colin | Danielle | Earl | Fiona | Gaston |
Hermine | Ian | Julia | Karl | Lisa | Matthew | Nicole | |
Otto | Paula | Richard | Shary | Tobias | Virginie | Walter | |
2017 | Ariene | Bret | Cindy | Don | Emily | Franklin | Gert |
Harvey | Irma | Jose | Katia | Lee | Maria | Nate | |
Ophelia | Philippe | Rina | Sean | Tammy | Vince | Whitney |
Sharing a name with a storm is one way to become a star, but a more surefire way is to be empowered by a strategy for tackling long words. Whatever your first name, you will be an academic star.