Special Cases

Although the two previous sections dealt with the kinds of sentences in which most subject-verb agreement errors occur, there are several other occasional problems that you need to be aware of to edit your writing properly. This section is divided into examples of when to use singular verbs for agreement, when to use plural verbs for agreement, and when—depending on the meaning of the sentence—to use verbs of either number.

To have subject-verb agreement, use singular verbs

To have subject-verb agreement, use plural verbs with

In order to have subject-verb agreement—and depending on the meaning and structure of the sentence—use either singular or plural verbs with

  1. Questions have the subject after the verb.
  2. Sample sentence, “Was the response positive or negative?” has a red arrow from “response” to “Was”. Sample sentence, “Are the three doors open?” has a red arrow from “doors” to “Are”.
  3. Hint: It’s easier to find the subject and verb if you make the question into a declarative statement, such as "The response was positive or negative" or "The three doors are open."

  4. Sentences that start with here or there have the subject after the verb. Here and there are not nouns or pronouns, so they will never be subjects; therefore, in a sentence beginning with one of those words, the actual subject is after the verb.
  5. Sample sentence, “Here is my resignation.” has a red arrow from “resignation” to “is”, Sample sentence, “Here are the magazines from home.” has a red arrow from “magazines” to “are”. Sample sentence, “There is no escape to the outside world.” has an arrow from “escape” to “is”. Sample sentence, “There are many reasons for staying.” has a red arrow from “reasons” to “are”.
  6. Sometimes writers invert sentences to get a reader’s attention or to emphasize a word, phrase, or idea. Again, it is easier to locate the subject and verb if you rearrange the sentence so the subject comes before the verb.
  7. Sample sentence, “In the gutter were her tattered shoes.” has a red arrow from “shoes” to “were”. Sample sentence, “With power comes great responsibility.” has a red arrow from “responsibility” to “comes”. Sample sentence, “Dark is the moonless night.” has a red arrow from “night” to “is”.

Before you test yourself on how well you understood this entire lesson, you might want to go to the subject-verb agreement exercises on this interactive site and do some extra practice.