Strengthening Your Organization

If you created and followed an outline, your paper is probably already well organized. Sometimes, though, the structure you envision when you are writing your outline or first draft isn’t the best order for your paper.

Paragraph organization

Here are a few basic structures that you can follow to organize your paper:

Photo of a boy staring at two traffic signs. An arrow on one sign points left. The arrow on the other side points right.

Source: Signs go both ways, Shahram Sharif, Flickr

Strengthening organization with transitions

Transitions are signposts that tell your reader the logical direction your paper is headed. They tell the reader another example is coming up or that you are introducing an exception to your previous statement. Transitions help you achieve internal coherence within your paragraphs and external coherence among all of your paragraphs.

A transition can be a single word, a phrase, or an entire sentence. A transition summarizes the previous sentence or paragraph. It connects the sentence or paragraph directly to the one that precedes it.

Let’s look at a couple of sentences without transitions and then look at them with transitions.


Feedlot cattle stand shoulder to shoulder in small pens, so they are given regular doses of antibiotics to keep them from spreading infection. This causes some of the bacteria in their digestive tracts to become resistant to antibiotics.

Pasture-raised cattle have room to roam and rarely get sick.


Feedlot cattle stand shoulder to shoulder in small pens, so they are given regular doses of antibiotics to keep them from spreading infection. This causes some of the bacteria in their digestive tracts to become resistant to antibiotics.

However, pasture-raised cattle do not need to be given preventative antibiotics because they are given room to roam and rarely get sick.


Many teachers and principals like students to wear uniforms because they can easily tell who belongs at the school and who does not, thus making the school safer.

They also believe it makes all students equal and that students will be less likely to ostracize students who can’t afford expensive clothes.


Teachers and principals like students to wear uniforms because they can easily tell who belongs at the school and who does not, thus making the school safer.

In addition to making the school safer, they also believe that wearing uniforms makes all students equal and that students will be less likely to ostracize students who can’t afford expensive clothes.

Transitional words and phrases

The chart below from the University of North Carolina Writing Center gives a list of transitional words and phrases and the logical relationship that they express.

Logical relationship

Transitional word or phrase


Also, in the same way, just as . . . so too, likewise, similarly


But, however, in spite of, on the one hand . . . on the other hand, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, in contrast, on the contrary, still, yet


First, second, third, . . . next, then, finally


After, afterward, at last, before, currently, during, earlier, immediately, later, meanwhile, now, recently, simultaneously, subsequently, then


For example, for instance, namely, specifically, to illustrate


Even, indeed, in fact, of course, truly


Above, adjacent, below, beyond, here, in front, in back, nearby, there

Cause and effect

Accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus

Additional support or evidence

Additionally, again, also, and, as well, besides, equally important, further, furthermore, in addition, moreover, then


Finally, in a word, in brief, briefly, in conclusion, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize, in sum, to sum up, in summary 

Now it’s your turn to revise sentences to add transitions and make them flow logically. Rewrite these sentence pairs by adding transitional words and phrases. Using your notes, write your responses. When you are finished, check your understanding below to see possible responses.

  1. School uniforms are supposed to be better for students who don’t have enough money to buy expensive clothes. Sometimes uniforms cost twice what other, more casual clothes cost.
  2. Suburban deer cause millions of dollars in property damage each year due to collisions with automobiles. Deer also cause property damage by eating expensive plants and shrubs.
  3. When you begin a research project, you need to determine what your topic is. You also need to craft a research question.
  4. The saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is definitely true. Dogs have been reported to cross thousands of miles to find their owners.
  5. Excess carbon dioxide is changing the chemistry of the sea and making ocean water more acidic. The excess acid breaks down calcium carbonate, the mineral used to form shells and skeletons of shellfish and coral.
Check Your Understanding

Sample Responses:

  1. School uniforms are supposed to be better for students who don’t have enough money to buy expensive clothes. However, instead of being cheaper, many students find that school uniforms sometimes cost twice what other, more casual clothes cost.
  2. Suburban deer cause millions of dollars in property damage each year due to collisions with automobiles. In addition to damage caused by collisions with cars, deer cause property damage by eating expensive plants and shrubs.
  3. When you begin a research project, you need to determine what your topic is. Then, once you have your topic, you need to craft a research question.
  4. The saying that “dogs are a man’s best friend” is definitely true. In fact, dogs have been reported to cross thousands of miles to find their owners.
  5. Excess carbon dioxide is changing the chemistry of the sea and making ocean water more acidic. The excess acid breaks down calcium carbonate, the mineral used to form shells and skeletons of shellfish and coral.