Rearranging the Poem

Source: Herbert Rose Barraud00, Portrait of Thomas Hardy, Wikimedia

by Thomas Hardy

“It is a foolish thing,” said I,
“To bear with such, and pass it by;
Yet so I do, I know not why!”

And at each clash I would surmise
That if I had acted otherwise
I might have saved me many sighs.

But now the only happiness
In looking back that I possess—
Whose lack would leave me

Is to remember I refrained
From masteries I might have gained,
And for my tolerance was disdained;

For see, a tomb. And if it were
I had bent and broke, I should not dare
To linger in the shadows there.

It is also a good idea at this point to check to see if there are any words in the poem you don’t understand and find their meanings. Maybe you don’t know the meanings of some of the words highlighted below. Reread the sentences and choose the best definition below for each highlighted word. Type your answers using your notes. When you’re finished, check your understanding.

  1. “It is a foolish thing,” said I, “To bear with such, and pass it by; Yet so I do, I know not why!”
  2. And at each clash I would surmise That if I had acted otherwise I might have saved me many sighs.
  3. But now the only happiness In looking back that I possess—Whose lack would leave me comfortless— Is to remember I refrained From masteries I might have gained, And for my tolerance was disdained; For see, a tomb.
  4. And if it were I had bent and broke, I should not dare To linger in the shadows there.

  1. Bear
    a. Deal with difficulty    b. Birth a child

  2. Clash
    a. Conflict    b. Loud sound

  3. Surmise
    a. To shock    b. To guess

  4. Refrained
    a. Restrained or curbed    b. Sang a verse in a song

  5. Masteries
    a. Powerlessness    b. Superiority

  6. Disdained
    a. Scorned    b. Honored

  7. Linger
    a. Slow in leaving    b. Rushing away
Check Your Understanding

Sample Responses:

1a, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7a
