Clues to Identifying Allusions

If you saw this house in Switzerland, you might think you were seeing a couple standing on a balcony, but you’d soon realize that the couple and the balcony are painted onto the side of the house. This is an optical illusion.

If you saw this house in Switzerland, you might think you were seeing a couple standing on a balcony, but you’d soon realize that the couple and the balcony are painted onto the side of the house. This is an optical illusion.

Source: House with illusion in Rhäzüns Switzerland, Adrian Michael, Wikimedia Commons.

So, how do you identify allusions as you are reading? What are some clues?

Finally, don’t confuse allusion with illusion. An illusion is an image that visually or intellectually misleads or deceives the viewer. Below are examples of how the word “illusion” can be used in sentences:

In a nutshell, an allusion can enhance; an illusion can mislead.