Critiquing and Evaluating Effectiveness

We’ve determined that Dr. El Feki’s message is that Arab pop culture has taken much from Western pop culture but has retained an identity of its own. We’ve seen that her evidence, dolls, music videos, and comics, all show examples of her position. We’ve analyzed Dr. El Feki’s use of language, body language, and visuals.

Now it’s time to evaluate the effectiveness of Dr. El Feki’s presentation.

Source: “Pop Culture in the Arab World,” Shereen El Feki, TED Talks

When you evaluate, you are judging the effectiveness of the presentation. Look at the speaker’s positions and evidence again. Think about how well she supports her ideas through word choices, voice intonation, and body language. Also consider how well her visuals support her ideas.

To help you evaluate Dr. El Feki’s presentation, download and save or print the graphic organizer for this lesson. You will need this graphic organizer for the next exercise.

Now, using your answers from the graphic organizer, write a critique of Dr. El Feki’s presentation. Comment on what you think she did well and what, if anything, she did that was less effective. Use your notes to write your response. When you’re finished, check your understanding.

Check Your Understanding

Sample Responses:

In “Pop Culture in the Arab World,” Dr. El Feki’s gives a concise look into Muslim youth culture. Her message is clear and well supported both verbally and through visuals. Dr. El Feki’s body language and gestures support her ideas and assist in making her appear confident and knowledgeable. She introduces her visuals clearly and gives credit to the makers. Although the presentation is well done, the dolls she uses as props might be a bit young for some audiences. The introduction using dolls was meant to be humorous but might seem childish or oversimplified in a formal presentation.
