A Starbuck’s sign that reads: Exit Only and in Spanish it incorrectly states: <i />Éxito Aquí</i>.

Source: If only English accepted Spanish submissions..., rudy kleysteuber, Flickr

False cognates are English words that are spelled or pronounced the same as Spanish words but do not have the same meaning. Fortunately, there aren’t too many of these words. For example, embarazada means pregnant in Spanish, but embarrassed means ashamed in English. Note the similar spellings but the different meanings. Below is a list of ten common Spanish words and their English counterparts that are false cognates.

painting of a flower vase filled with 3 daisies and ladybug on the top flower.

Source: Daisy_Vase, Freevector.com


drawing of a glass of red liquid

Source: drinking_glass, Open Clip Art


Spanish WordEnglish TranslationEnglish WordEnglish Definition
actual now actual real
asistir attend assist help
éxito success exit leave
recordar remember record to make note of
libreria bookstore library a place that loans books
coma punctuation mark coma medical condition
sensible sensitive sensible reasonable
vaso drinking glass vase container for flowers
sopartar to bear, to stand support to hold up
realizar to do realize to gain understanding

If you aren’t sure whether a word is a cognate, look it up in a Spanish-to-English dictionary. You can find an excellent online version at www.spanishdict.com. You will find that your knowledge of cognates in many different languages will enrich your English vocabulary and help you master new languages.