The United States was not allied with either side in World War I. As a matter of fact, the United States was in conflict as to whom we should support. We had historical and cultural ties to Britain and had fought for independence along with the French. However, many German-Americans supported the Central Powers, along with many Irish-Americans who resented British control in Ireland. Why was the United States so determined to stay out of World War I? Let's examine some documents.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on the images below to view the documents.

Painting/Portrait of General George Washington, 1st President of the United States. He is shown wearing formal clothing of the period gesturing with his hand towards a writing desk in his office. Source: Washington, Lansdowne portrait, Wikimedia
A political cartoon satirizing the Monroe Doctrine depicting Uncle Sam standing on the western hemisphere taunting/warning the Europeans standing on the eastern hemisphere to stay away from the Americas. Source: Monroe Doctrine, Wikimedia
A photograph/portrait of President Woodrow Wilson.  A middle aged man dressed in a suit and necktie wearing glasses. Source: President Woodrow Wilson, Library of Congress

Using evidence from the documents, answer the following question in your notes:

Was the United States justified in remaining neutral during World War I?