Attention! Archaeologists have made an important discovery! In the modern-day country of Turkey, they have uncovered an ancient Neolithic city— Catalhoyuk (click on the link to hear a pronunciation of this word).

A map of Catalhoyuk, which shows that Catalhoyuk is located at the crssroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The red dot shows that Catalhoyuk is located at the crossroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

A map of Catalhoyuk, which shows that Catalhoyuk is located at the crssroads of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

This detailed map shows Catalhoyuk to be located in the modern-day country of Turkey.

How Does Catalhoyuk Fit into World History?

Catalhoyuk is super old! Archaeologists have dated Catalhoyuk back to approximately 9,400 BC, that's 9,000 years before the birth of Christ! Click on the interactive link below to get an idea of how Catalhoyuk fits into world history.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Mysteries of Catalhoyuk

From information found in the above link, answer the following question using your notes.

According to the timeline, what global change occurred in 12,000 BC that triggered the beginning of agriculture?

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The end of the Little Ice Age in 12,000 helped cause the development of agriculture. The retreating glaciers left the world warmer and wetter, making it easier for vegetation to grow.Close Pop Up

When people were forced to move away from hunting and gathering, they had to make the best of their environment. Soon people began to domesticate plants and animals so that they could farm and produce a large surplus of food. The domestication of plants and animals marks the beginning of the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution around 10,000 BCE.