Just as a fortune teller can look into a crystal ball to tell your fortune, a population pyramid can somewhat tell the future of the population of a society. In this section you will have the opportunity to use what you have learned about population pyramids to determine possible future spending about the following countries. Click the link below to download a copy of the document to answer the questions. If you do not have access to a printer, answer the questions in your notes.

WGM3L7 Worksheet

Image of a population chart for the Philippines in 1997.

Source: Popphil, About.com.

Philippines (1997):

  1. Which age group has the highest number of males?
  2. How are the male and female population graphs different?
  3. What does the population pyramid tell us about the population?
  4. What are the implications, suggested by the population pyramid, on future government spending in ________? (Hint: should the governments spend its money on education as a result of high birth rates; should the government spend more on health care for the elderly?)
Image of a population pyramid of Kuwait 2010.

Source: ku-2010, Wordpress


  1. Which age group has the highest percentage of females?
  2. How are the male and female population graphs different?
  3. Which age group has the highest percentage of males?
  4. Does this government need to spend more money on educating children or work programs? Explain your answer.
Image of two population pyramids; France is in the right and India is on the left.

Source:population files, University of Nebraska, Department of Geography/Geology.

France and India:

  1. What is the shape of the France pyramid?
  2. What is the shape of the India pyramid?
  3. What does the difference in shapes say about the difference in population for each country?
  4. Which country should focus more on providing access to birth control for its citizens? Explain your answer.

Final Activity

Complete the following activity in your notes.

You are the economic planner for one of the countries listed above (select The Philippines, Kuwait, France, or India). The president of your country has asked you to analyze that pyramid and determine the 5 vital services the country will need over the next 30 years. You will need to use all of your population pyramid analysis skills to provide information that the government can implement to ensure the comfort and safety of the country. Good Luck!