"There is work that profits children, and there is work that brings profit only to employers. The object of employing children is not to train them, but to get high profits from their work."

--Lewis Hine, 1908

Read each paragraph below.  After reading the information, you will use the provided diagrams to make notes on key terms from the paragraphs. 

Paragraph #1

Due to the rise of cities or urbanization during the Industrial Revolution, many families moved from their rural farms to city factories.  Children no longer worked alongside their parents in the fields on the family farm. They worked in factories or on the streets selling newspapers or other items to help support their families.  At this time in history, most children were uneducated unless they came from wealthy families.  Additionally, children who did not attend school began working as soon as they were old enough to work, many as young as five years old.  During this time in history over two million children were employed in the major cities.  Employers welcomed the young workers because they were a great source of cheap labor, which meant larger profits for businesses

Copy the diagram below into your notes, then enter four details about child labor from Paragraph #1.

enter a detail from paragraph #1 here
enter a detail from paragraph #1 here
enter a detail from paragraph #1 here
enter a detail from paragraph #1 here

Now summarize Paragraph #1 by combining your four details and the center term into two or three sentences. Write your sentences in your notes.

Paragraph #2

Not only were children beginning to work at a very young age, but they worked long hours, under dangerous conditions, for very little pay.  The average child laborer toiled (worked) for 60+ hours a week, earning on average $4 a week in the early 1900s.  This was only a fraction of what adults earned for the same work and hours.  Additionally, children died or became permanently disabled due to industrial accidents at a higher rate than their adult counterparts.

Copy the diagram below into your notes, then enter four details about child labor from Paragraph #2.

enter a detail from paragraph #2 here
enter a detail from paragraph #2 here
enter a detail from paragraph #2 here
enter a detail from paragraph #2 here

Now summarize Paragraph #2 by combining your four details and the center term into two or three sentences. Write your sentences in your notes.