While the settlers of the American West were changing the territorial landscape based on the idea of manifest destiny, another change was taking place: the cultural and social landscape of western America was beginning to take shape. A "western" culture emerged because life in the West was different from life in any other part of the United States.

The American Indians of the West found themselves pushed off their lands, and they became the focus of those who wanted to "civilize" them. Some religious groups took the idea of manifest destiny and applied it to the conversion of American Indians to Christianity.

American settlers coming from the east and immigrant settlers coming from Asia, Europe, and Latin America also added to the cultural landscape of the American West. Each person contributed to the overall culture of the new land.

Take another look at John Gast's American Progress. Complete the chart that follows based on what you observe in the painting.

image of American Progress

Source: American Progress, George Crofutt, Library of Congress

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.
List the People List the Objects List the Animals List the Colors
What do you notice
about the people?
What do you notice
about the objects?
What do you notice
about the animals?
What do you notice
about the colors?
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Click here to compare your answers.

List the People

What do you notice about the people?

List the objects

What do you notice about the objects?

List the animals

What did you notice about the animals?

List the colors

What did you notice about the color?

Close Pop Up

Think about what you have learned about the idea of manifest destiny and answer the questions below in your notes.

  1. What might the painter think about the idea of manifest destiny? Support your answer with examples from the painting.

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    Click here to compare your answer.

    The painter might have thought that manifest destiny was good for America. The painting illustrates people from all walks of life migrating west.Close Pop Up

  2. How does the painting glorify the ideal of manifest destiny?

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    Click here to compare your answer.

    The painting glorifies the ideal of manifest destiny because it illustrates the goddess leading people westward as she brings new sources of technology. This indicates that the migration is an example of progress.Close Pop Up

  3. How does the painting detract from the ideal of manifest destiny?

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    Click here to compare your answer.

    The painting may detract from the ideal of manifest destiny by illustrating that westward migration is displacing existing populations of American Indians and the wildlife they traditionally hunted. Close Pop Up