Source: Texas boom, Eno Petroleum Corporation
Oil has always been a resource in Texas. American Indians used the tar from the surface oil for a variety of things. In the 1500s, European explorers found uses for the tar that washed up on the shores along the coast of Texas. Oil production started in East Texas in the late 1800s. During this time, many new inventions were created that relied on oil. The demand for oil increased and led to more people looking for oil all over Texas. By 1900, oil production increased in different regions in Texas.
It was the discovery of oil at Spindletop in Beaumont that transformed the Texas economy and society forever. Click on the link below to watch a video about Spindletop, and then answer the following questions in your notes.
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Initially, it was difficult for the Hamill Brothers to pump Spindletop for oil because there was too much sand in the soil.Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.
The Hamill Brothers used mud to assist them in pumping oil at Spindletop.Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.
The discovery of oil at Spindletop led to the United States becoming the largest oil producer in the world at that time.Spindletop was producing more oil daily than any other American oil wells, at a rate of 100,000 barrels per day. The discovery of oil in Texas caused an immediate influx of people to Texas. People migrated to Texas to become part of the opportunities that the oil boom provided.
Source: Goose Creek Field Part1919, Wikimedia
Economic Opportunities During the Texas Oil Boom
With the population of Texas increasing quickly during this time, new cities started to develop in rural areas. These “boomtowns” popped up all across Texas. People moved into small, rural cities stretching the resources of the areas. Oil companies, such as Humble Oil and Gulf Oil were also established in Texas during this time.
Analyzing the map: How do you think the discovery of oil in the locations on the map changed the surrounding cities?
In this lesson, you learned that the period following the end of the Civil War is called the Reconstruction Era. During Reconstruction, Texas experienced great change. There were social changes involving the citizenship of African Americans in Texas, and the state government went through tremendous political changes as Texas attempted to rejoin the Union. Texas also experienced vast economic growth during Reconstruction.