What do the following things have in common?
The energy from wind movement performs work and moves a wind turbine. Click on the image to watch this video about turbines.
Air entering an airplane engine speeds up, resulting in higher kinetic energy of the air particles as they "push" the airplane forward. Click on the image and watch this video from NASA about transporting the space shuttle.
A boiling pot of water performs work in the form of heat transfer, which results in a higher temperature in the water (higher temp = higher energy). Click on the image and watch this video about boiling water.
When you throw a water balloon at the ground, the ground performs work on the balloon, which increases in pressure until it pops.
If you stated that these are all examples of work that may use the work-energy theorem, you would be correct. In this resource, you will investigate the work-energy theorem to understand the relationship between work and energy.