Another form of energy is potential energy. Potential energy is stored energy of position. It may be due to its vertical position or height. If so, it is called gravitational potential energy. It may also be related to compression or stretching of shape as seen in elastic potential energy. In this section, you will investigate these types of potential energy.

Gravitational Potential Energy

Gravitational potential energy is energy due to position. Take a few moments to investigate gravitational potential energy by watching this video clip.

Video segment. Assistance may be required. Watch this video about gravitational energy.

Source: Gravitational Potential and Kinetic Energy, Doodle Science, YouTube

Calculating Gravitational Potential Energy

The gravitational potential energy equation takes into account the mass of an object (m), the height of an object (h), and the acceleration due to gravity, 9.8 m/s2 (p). The equation is written as follows:

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Elastic Potential Energy

Elastic potential energy is energy that is stored in elastic materials such as a rubber band or a spring. This potential energy is stored due to compression or stretching. Take a few moments to investigate elastic potential energy by watching this video clip.

Video segment. Assistance may be required. Watch this video about elastic potential energy.

Source: Elastic Potential Energy, Mark Drollinger, YouTube

The Elastic Potential Energy Equation

Similar to gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy has a specific equation. The equation includes a spring constant (k) and the distance the spring is stretched (x). It is written as follows:

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