Source: Arsenal vs. Liverpool, Ryu Voelkel

The following are four basic types of projectiles:

The first two types of projectiles are examples of one-dimensional motion. Since this lesson is focusing on projectiles in two dimensions, you will be focusing on projectiles that are rolled over an edge (horizontal projectiles) or shot at an angle (non-horizontal projectiles).

Let's begin by visiting the Physics Classroom's Projectiles web page. After reviewing each segment of information, be sure to click on the animation link to view the simulation. When you have finished, take a moment to complete the "check for understanding" section at the end of the tutorial.

In your notes, record the information you learned from this activity.

The following investigations will explore simulations related to projectile motion.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Simulation 1: The Monkey and the Zookeeper

Click on the link above for Simulation 1. Observe all four animations on the site and answer the questions that follow.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Simulation 2: Projectile Motion Simulation

Click on the link above for Simulation 2. During this simulation, you will be able to change multiple variables, including the object itself.

In order to collect information from this activity, you will need to set up a data table in your notes similar to the one below.

  1. Choose a projectile. Use the same projectile throughout the testing (consider choosing one with large mass as this will assist you in collecting better data).
  2. Set the initial angle to 30 degrees and the initial velocity to 20 m/s.
  3. Click "fire."
  4. Record information in your data table.
  5. Repeat with angles of 45 degrees, 60 degrees, and 90 degrees.
  6. IMPORTANT - use the tape measure tool provided in the simulation to make all measurements. The numerical values that show up in the windows are showing you current Δdx and Δdy. You want to record, MAXIMUM Δdx and Δdy.
  7. When you have recorded your data in your notes, choose a variable to practice creating a graph.

When you have finished this activity, click the table above to check your answers.