In previous grades, you learned that two figures are similar if all of the corresponding angles are congruent and all of the corresponding side lengths are proportional.

illustration of similar triangles

In this section, you will refine what you know about similar triangles in order to make arguments and solve problems about similar triangles when you only know the measures of two pairs of corresponding angles. This condition of similar triangles is called the angle-angle criterion.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on the image below to access the interactive. Use the interactive to investigate two triangles, Δ ABC and Δ HGI. Use the sliders to adjust the angle values. Click and drag on points A and B to adjust the size of Δ ABC, and click and drag on points G and I to adjust the size of Δ HGI.

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Use the interactive to answer the questions below.

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For the angle-angle criterion for similarity, you know that two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent. Why do we not need to state that the third pair of corresponding angles is also congruent?

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The sum of the measures of the interior angles of any triangle is 180°. If you know the measures of two of these angles, then the third angle must be a particular number. If two triangles have two pairs of corresponding angles with the same measures, then the third angle in each triangle will also have the same measures.Close Pop Up


  1. In the diagram below, ABDC. AD and BC are transversals that intersect at point E. Use angle relationships between parallel lines to explain how you know that triangle ABE is similar to triangle DCE.
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    Look for pairs of alternate interior angles. Since ABDC, alternate interior angles will be congruent.Close Pop Up
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    • Since ABDC, ∠BAE is congruent to ∠CDE because they are alternate interior angles.
    • Since ABDC, ∠ABE is congruent to ∠DCE because they are alternate interior angles.
    • Since there are two pairs of corresponding angles that are congruent, the angle-angle criterion tells you that Δ ABE is similar to Δ DCE.
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  2. Use the diagram below to answer questions 2 − 4. Assume that BC || DE.

  3. Write two equations that you can use to solve for x and y given that Δ ABC is similar to Δ ADE.

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    Identify two pairs of corresponding angles, and apply the angle-angle criterion. Close Pop Up

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    3x − 20 = 1.5x + 10
    80 = 8y Close Pop Up
  4. Determine the values of x and y.

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    Solve each equation from question 1 using properties of real numbers and inverse operations.Close Pop Up

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    x = 20, y = 10Close Pop Up
  5. Determine the measure of ∠ABC.

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    Substitute the value of x into the expression for mABC. Close Pop Up

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    mABC = 40°Close Pop Up