In previous grades, you used fractions and decimals to represent parts of a whole.

For example, if the square below represents 1 whole unit, then the whole unit can be broken into parts with equal area.

one whole broken into four tenths and again into two fifths

If the whole is broken into 100 parts, then each part is called 1 percent. You can use the symbol % to represent a percent. For example, if the square below represents one whole unit, it is broken into 100 parts. Of those 100 parts, 40 are shaded blue.

one whole broken into 100 parts with 40 parts shaded

A percent is a part-to-whole ratio given in terms of parts per 100. Consider the following situation.

The ratio of hats that are Texas Rangers baseball caps is represented with the fraction 4 over 20 4 10 . You can use a scale factor of 10 to generate an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100.

The ratio 40 over 100 40 100 is equivalent to the ratio 4 over 20 4 10 and expresses the ratio in terms of the number of parts: 40 parts per 100 parts. We can say that 40% of the hats that Margaret has are Texas Rangers baseball caps. The percent symbol (%) is used to indicate a percentage of parts per 100 parts.

In this lesson, you will investigate different ways to represent percents. You will also use fractions, decimals, and percents to represent the same quantity.