In this section, you will “build” similar figures with a virtual geoboard and compare their areas.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device. interactive exercise Below are directions for rectangles and triangles you are going to build using a virtual Geoboard. Go to this link, select a band and drag it onto the Geoboard. Click on a red grid point to start, then move the designated squares across or down. Select one end of the band and move it across or down to create the next measurement, click, and continue as needed.

Below is an example of two similar triangles created on the Geoboard.

Create the similar figures described below with the bands on the Geoboard and then answer the questions. Click on the blanks to check your answers.

  1. Rectangle 1: Length = 3 and width = 2
    Rectangle 2: Length = 6 and width = 4
  2. Area of Rectangle 1 = _____
    Area of Rectangle 2 = _____
    The length of the Rectangle 2 is _____ times the length of Rectangle 1.
    The width of Rectangle 2 is _____ times the length of Rectangle 1.
    The area of Rectangle 2 is _____ times the area of Rectangle 1.

  3. Click “Clear,” then create the following rectangles.
    Rectangle 1: Length = 1 and width = 3
    Rectangle 2: Length = 4 and width = 6
  4. Area of Rectangle 1 = _____
    Area of Rectangle 2 = _____
    The length of Rectangle 2 is _____ times the length of Rectangle 1.
    The width of Rectangle 2 is _____ times the width of Rectangle 1.
    The area of Rectangle 2 is _____ times the area of Rectangle 1.

  5. Click “Clear,” then create the following triangles.
    Triangle 1: Base = 3 and height = 3
    Triangle 2: Base = 2 and height = 2
  6. Area of Triangle 1 = _____
    Area of Triangle 2 = _____
    The base of Triangle 2 is _____ the base of Triangle 1.
    The height of Triangle 2 is _____ times the height of Triangle 1.
    The area of Triangle 2 is _____ times the area of Triangle 1.