The volume of a pyramid is the number of cubic units required to fill the solid figure.

Click on the image to open an interactive sketch in a new browser tab or window.

In the bottom left, click the radio button next to Cone → Tank. Click the New Problem button until you see an inverted pyramid and a rectangular prism.

Follow the onscreen directions to "pour" the liquid from the pyramid into the prism with a congruent base. Before you click the Pour button, make sure you adjust the slider next to the prism to make a prediction of the height of the liquid.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Source: How High?, NLVM

Repeat this investigation by clicking the New Problem button until you get an additional pyramid-prism combination.

Pause and Reflect

How many times do you think you will need to pour the pyramid into the prism—with a congruent base—to completely fill the prism?

Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

Check Your Answer

It will take about 3 pours of the pyramid to completely fill the prism that has a congruent base to the pyramid. Close Pop Up