This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. After clicking on the image below, find the three sliders underneath the object. There are three additional topics in the second column, make sure the last drop down menu shows "Triangular Prism." Move the three sliders – Width, Depth, and Height – to change the size of the triangular prism.

Source: Interactivate: Surface Area and Volume,

Use the sliders and create a triangular prism whose dimensions are Base Width 6, Prism Height 10, and Base Depth 4. Click on the triangular prism to rotate it and view it from several angles.

Answer the following questions. Click on the blank space to check your answers.

Another way of viewing the total surface area of a rectangular prism, is by selecting the "Width by Depth" above the prism.

Use your mouse and turn the prism so that the rectangular face with a width of five units is showing.

Use your mouse and turn the prism so that the rectangular face with a width of six units is showing.