In this section, you will use an interactive sketch to investigate translations. Click on the following link to open the applet in a new tab/window.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Transmographer

This sketch allows you to investigate the changes in coordinates when a translation is applied to a geometric figure.


First, let’s investigate translations.

  1. Use your notes to record the initial coordinates of the green point, yellow point, cyan point, and black point.
  2. In the Translate box, type 3 units on the x-axis and 2 units on the y-axis.
  3. Click the Translate button.
  4. Record the new coordinates of each point.
  5. How did the value of the coordinates change?
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    The x coordinates all increased by 3 and the y coordinates all increased by 2.Close Pop Up
  6. How was the size and shape of the figure affected?
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    The size and shape did not change.Close Pop Up
  7. Repeat this process using different polygons and different translation values.
  8. In general, how are the x and y-coordinates affected when a translation is applied to the figure?
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    The x coordinates all increased or decreased by the change in the x value and the y coordinates all increased or decreased by the change in the y value.Close Pop Up

We can write the rule for translations in symbolic language.

Translation (x, y) → (x + a, y + b)

In general, how are the size and shape of a figure affected when a translation is applied to the figure?

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The size and shape did not change.Close Pop Up

Since the size and shape of figures are not affected by translations, we say translations are congruence transformations.