Now, let's see what this looks like with real chemicals. Carbon dioxide is a common compound that we have surrounding us on a daily basis. What is the percent of carbon and oxygen in carbon dioxide?

You will use the following formula to find the percent of carbon in CO2.

carbon dioxide molecule

Source: Carbon dioxide molecule, British Columbia School Superintendents Association

Grams of carbon Grams of carbon dioxide × 100

The amount of grams of carbon in 1 mole is 12.01 grams and the total amount of grams in 1 mole of carbon dioxide is 44.01 grams. Use these masses in the formula above.

12.01 grams of C 44.01 grams of CO2 × 100

What is the percent of carbon in CO2, round your answer to the nearest hundredth place?

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The amount of grams of oxygen in 1 mole of O2 is 32.00 grams, and the total amount of grams in 1 mole of carbon dioxide is 44.01 grams. What is the percent of oxygen in CO2, round your answer to the nearest hundredth place?

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