On a piece of notebook paper or in your notes, answer the following:

Classify each function described below as discrete or continuous, and explain your reasoning.

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  1. For which class of function, discrete or continuous, is it more likely that the domain would be described by a list? _____________________

  2. For which class of function, discrete or continuous, is it more likely that the domain would be described by an interval?

    Explain. __________________________

Classify each function as discrete or continuous, then identify the range of each function.

  1. Amount of fuel in your car as a function of time driving (Assume the car can hold 20 gallons of gas.)
  2. Number of goals scored as a function of game number (game 1, game 2, and so on) for one season
  3. Number of iPods sold by a company as a function of price
  4. Water level in a stopped up sink as a function of time the faucet is running (Assume the sink from bottom to top is 12 inches.)
  5. Altitude above sea level as a function of distance due east of San Francisco

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  1. Amount of fuel in your car as a function of time driving (Assume the car can hold 20 gallons of gas.)

    1. Continuous, since time is continuous
    2. Range: {0 ≤ y ≤ 20}
  2. Number of goals scored as a function of game number (game 1, game 2, and so on) for one season

    1. Discrete, since you can only have whole numbers as goals {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} and games are a not a value
    2. Range: {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
  3. Number of iPods sold by a company as a function of price

    1. Discrete, since you can't have partical iPods {0,1,2,3, ...}
    2. Range: {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
  4. Water level in a stopped up sink as a function of time the faucet is running (Assume the sink from bottom to top is 12 inches.)

    1. Continuous, since both the water level and time are continuous, meaning the values can be more than just whole numbers, they can be decimal amounts.
    2. Range: {0 ≤ y ≤ 12}
  5. Altitude above sea level as a function of distance due east of San Francisco

    1. Continuous, since both altitude above sea level and distance are continuous values
    2. Range: { y ≥ 0}
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