For each of the numbered situations below, select the graph that represents a possible answer to the given statement. Click on each graph for feedback on that answer.


  1. During a recent thunderstorm, the water level in the river increased at a steady rate and remained at a higher level for a period of time. The water then receded at a constant rate nearly to the original level. (Click on each image for feedback on that answer.)
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Correct! The river starts with water, then increases.Close Pop Up
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Incorrect, rivers have some water in them and do not start at zero feet.Close Pop Up
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Incorrect, rivers have some water in them and do not start at zero feet.Close Pop Up
  1. The pilot decreased the plane's altitude to adjust for turbulence. Once the turbulence was over the pilot returned the aircraft to its previous cruising altitude. (Click on each image for feedback on that answer.)
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Incorrect. In this graph, the altitude increases from the starting point.Close Pop Up
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Incorrect. In this graph the altitude decreases, but increases to a higher altitude.Close Pop Up
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Correct. You can read a graph!Close Pop Up
  1. Diane threw her paper airplane. The airplane lowered at a constant speed, leveled off, and then slowly rose at a constant speed until it was caught by Diane's friend Ellen. (Click on each image for feedback on that answer.)
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Incorrect. The curve in the graph does not mean constant speed.Close Pop Up
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Incorrect, lowered means to decrease in altitude, but this graph increases to a higher altitude.Close Pop Up
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Correct. You can read a graph!Close Pop Up
  1. Nikki heated a bag of popcorn in the microwave, took it out of the microwave to cool. As she opened the bag, she dropped it and half fell out. No three-second rule! She quickly cleaned up the mess. The rest of the popcorn was devoured at a constant rate. (Click on each image for feedback on that answer.)
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Correct. The popcorn package starts out with unpopped kernels, not at zero. Cooks about 6.5 cups of popcorn. When popcorn is cooling for a few seconds, nothing was eaten. Approximately half of the popcorn fell to the floor. Nothing was eaten while cleaning. Constant rate of eating is linear.Close Pop Up
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Incorrect. This would be a graph of temperature instead of volume. What happened to the volume when the popcorn was cooling or you were cleaning the spill?Close Pop Up
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Incorrect. This graph starts at zero. When the popcorn dropped, half was lost and this graph shows very little loss. No 3 second rule!Close Pop Up