A photograph of a statue of a Native American hunter shooting an arrow at the sky

Source: Sacred Rain Arrow HDR, Chris Smith, Flickr

Although everyone would like to find love, for some people it’s not so easy, and they feel like they have to search alone to find it.

icon for a think aloud activity
A photograph of the famous Globe Theatre stage in England

Source: Stage at The Globe, LizaP, Flickr

The events in the world play out as if on a stage, with all kinds of twists and turns and plot developments.

icon for a think aloud activity
A photograph of a an open furnace showing the blazing fire inside

Source: The fiery furnace, Stephen Rees, Flickr

On a day like this one, walking outside can almost take your breath away. The heat is so intense that you feel like you have entered an oven and that the sun is baking your feet as it reflects on the burning hot pavement.

A photograph of an open book with a smart phone reader on top of it

Source: Book & Phone Book, Lynn Gardner, Flickr

Reading books causes readers to reflect upon themselves. People discover new qualities or traits within themselves when they read about the lives of others, similar to what people see when they look into a mirror and notice something new.

A photograph of a weather vane with a bird on it. It shows the directions as N, S, E, and W.

Source: Going In All Directions At Once, Matt Brock, Flickr

This line expresses deep mourning over the loss of someone. The person being mourned stood for everything in the world to the speaker, even the very directions of the universe. Without him, the speaker feels adrift and without direction in life.

A photograph of antique, glass alchemy lab equipment

Source: Glass Alchemy Equipment, Curious Expeditions, Flickr

Love is such a powerful force that it can even change something really terrible for you, such as poison, into something good for you, like food. In this way, love is like a magical or mysterious force.


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