1. A source that is biased is always unreliable and should be avoided.
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Correct! Biased articles and books can help you clearly see the argument one side is making on a topic. However, it is important to keep the bias in mind as you read the source.
2. A book author must cite studies or other sources to be considered valid and reliable.
Correct! Book authors need to cite evidence to back up their claims.
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3. Reliable newspaper and magazine articles don’t have bibliographies; therefore, they don’t have to cite sources to prove their claims.
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Correct! Reliable newspaper articles must provide evidence and name the sources they use.
4. Academic journals are not particular about the credentials of the authors they publish.
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Correct! Academic journals publish articles and studies from authors who have spent a lot of time studying in a particular field.
5. Reading the abstract or introduction of a journal article is a good way to determine whether an article is relevant to your paper.
Correct! The abstract or introduction to a journal article tells the author’s objective and his or her conclusions.
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