We made a list of the ideas from the movie trailer and crossed
out the ones that didn’t relate to protecting the environment.
out the ones that didn’t relate to protecting the environment.
We did more brainstorming, this time with a mind map, to
uncover more information about our research question.
uncover more information about our research question.
We did more research and found an article that gave us more
information and refined our question to make it fit our purpose.
information and refined our question to make it fit our purpose.
We refined our question again by narrowing it. We made vague
language more specific.
language more specific.
We used the results of our freewriting to find that we wanted to
know more about–how what we eat affects the environment.
We did a little research by watching a movie trailer to give us
more information about our topic.
know more about–how what we eat affects the environment.
We did a little research by watching a movie trailer to give us
more information about our topic.
We analyzed our assignment to find our audience and purpose.
We chose the topic left on the list that we found most interesting
and drafted a basic research question.
and drafted a basic research question.
We used freewriting to uncover what we already know about our
general topic, “protecting the environment.”
general topic, “protecting the environment.”
We took the category from the mind map that had the most
information and drafted another research question.
information and drafted another research question.