1. Which lines are a monologue?

a. 2–10

b. 16–19

c. 21–25


2. What is the function of this monologue?

a. It informs the audience about how Kisha and Jerome got together.

b. It informs the audience about why Jerome likes Kisha.

c. It informs the audience about what Kisha thinks of Jerome.


3. Which lines are a soliloquy?

a. 2–10

b. 16–19

c. 21–25


4. What is the function of this soliloquy?

a. It informs the audience about how Jerome feels about giving back the money.

b. It informs the audience about why Kisha is mad at Jerome.

c. It informs the audience about Leigh and Jerome’s friendship.


5. Which comment is an example of dramatic irony?

a. “I’m nowhere near getting that money back. Nowhere near it!”

b. “I don’t care if I ever see him again.”

c. “I don’t even like donuts.”


6. What does the audience know that Kisha does not know?

a. Jerome left the bag of donuts.

b. Jerome put the money in the bag with the donuts.

c. Jerome and Leigh know each other.


All complete. Great job!

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