1. New York City is not the cheapest place in the world.
a. New York City is a poor city.
b. The city is very expensive.
c. People do not like to visit there.
d. There are many reasons you should avoid New York City.
2. The four-star restaurant had pretty good food. (Hint: A “four-star restaurant” is a very highly rated restaurant.)
a. The food was exotic or foreign.
b. The food was expensive.
c. It was difficult to finish eating.
d. The food was very good.
3. I wouldn’t say he’s thin.
a. He is overweight.
b. He wore clothes that were too large.
c. Nobody really knows how large he is.
d. His whole family is large.
4. We have had a little rain.
a. The surrounding area is like a desert.
b. The area is flooded.
c. Nobody likes it when it rains.
d. It doesn’t rain often enough.
5. I would not say that my television is new.
a. The person saying this doesn’t know what television is.
b. The speaker is easily entertained without television.
c. The television set referred to is ancient.
d. The television really is brand new.