Question 1: Which statement correctly describes the effect on the graph of y = -2 (x – 1)2 + 3 when it is changed to y = ½ (x – 1)2 + 3?


Answer Choice



The graph is wider and opens upward.

Correct! ½ is less than |-2| which will result in a wider parabola. It will also open upward because ½ is positive.


The graph is wider and opens downward.

Incorrect: "a" is positive, so the graph opens upward.


The graph is narrower and opens upward.

Incorrect. It does open up, but for the parabola to be narrower |a|>1


The graph is narrower and opens downward

Incorrect. For the parabola to be narrower and open down … a must be negative and |a|>1.

Question 2: Which statement correctly describes the effect on the graph of f(x) = 3 (x + 7)2 + 4 when it is changed to f(x) = 3 (x + 7)2 − 1?


Answer Choice



The graph is translated 5 units to the right.

Incorrect. When “k” is changed it is a vertical translation.


The graph is translated 5 units to the left.

Incorrect. When “k” is changed it is a vertical translation.


The graph is translated 5 units down.

Correct! The change in “k” from 4 down to -1 is a difference in 5 units.


The graph is translated 5 units up.

Incorrect. “k” changes from 4 to –1, so the parabola moves down.

Question 3: Which statement correctly describes the effect on the graph of y = 2 (x – 5)2 - 3 when it is changed to y = 2 (x + 2)2 - 3?


Answer Choice



The graph is translated 7 units to the right.

Incorrect. Since “h” changes from 5 to -2, it would be a translation to the left.


The graph is translated 7 units to the left.

Correct! The difference between 5 and -2 is 7 units and it would translate to the left.


The graph is translated 7 units down.

Incorrect. When “h” is changed it is a horizontal translation.


The graph is translated 7 units up.

Incorrect. When “h” is changed it is a horizontal translation.

Question 4:  Which statement correctly describes the graph of y = -4(x + 3)2 - 1?


Answer Choice



It is narrower than the graph of y = x2 translated 3 units to the left and 1 unit up

Incorrect. “k” = -1. The negative will translate the graph down not up.


It is wider than the graph of y = x2, reflected across the x-axis, then translated 3 units to the right and 1 unit down

Incorrect. For a parabola to be wider than y=x2,  |a|<1.


It is the graph of y = x2, reflected across the
x-axis, then translated 3 units to the left and
1 unit up

Incorrect. “k” = -1. The negative will translate the graph down not up.


It is narrower than the graph of y = x2, reflected across the x-axis, then translated 3 units to the left and 1 unit down.

Correct! Since |-4| > 1, the graph will be narrower. Since “a” = -4, the negative will reflect the graph across the x-axis, and since “k” = -1, the graph will translate down 1 unit.

Question 5:  The graph of f(x) = -5 (x - 1)2 + 7 is translated 3 units to the right. What is the equation of the new graph?


Answer Choice



f(x) = -5 (x - 4)2 + 7

Correct! 1 + 3 = 4 so the new “h” would equal 4.


f(x) = -5 (x + 2)2 + 7

Incorrect.  This equation is translated 3 units to the left.


f(x) = -5 (x - 1)2 + 10

Incorrect: Remember that a horizontal translation affects the “h” in the equation  f(x) = a (x - h)2 + k


f(x) = -2 (x - 1)2 + 7

Incorrect. Remember that a horizontal translation affects the “h” in the equation  f(x) = a (x - h)2 + k

Question 6:  Which of the following functions is a transformation of y = x2, where the new parabola is wider and has been translated to the left?


Answer Choice



y = ⅝ (x - 7)2

Incorrect. This one is wider than y = x2, but is translated to the right instead of to the left.


y = ½ x2 − 6

Incorrect. This one is wider than y = x2, but is translated down instead of to the left.


y = 4 (x + 5)2

Incorrect. This one is translated to the left, but is narrower than y = x2


y = ¾ (x + 3)2

Correct! This one is wider and has been translated to the left.

Question 7:  You have been given a table of values for the function y =(x + 1)2 – 2.

If the graph of this function is translated 3 units down, which of the tables shown below would be points on the new parabola?

A. B.
C. D.

A. Incorrect. You added 3 instead of subtracting 3 from the y values.

B. Incorrect. You should subtract 3 from ALL the y values.

C. Correct! Subtracting 3 from the y values will give you these correct values in the table.

D. Incorrect. You subtracted 3 from the x values instead of the y values.