Graphic Organizer Instructions

Some OnTRACK Lessons for English language arts and reading contain graphic organizers that are interactive Portable Document Format (PDF) files. You can use the graphic organizers by

Some graphic organizer functions, such as sample responses on mouse over, might not be available using your web browsers’ PDF viewer. For best results, open graphic organizers using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

If a graphic organizer isn’t functioning properly in your browser, you can change the browsers’ default PDF viewing behavior so that it automatically opens PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Reader. You only need to adjust the settings one time. Instructions for how to change settings by specific browsers are as follows:

Google Chrome

  1. Enter “chrome://plugins/” in the browsers’ address bar.
  2. Disable “Chrome PDF Viewer.”
  3. The graphic organizer’s link will now prompt a file download.
  4. Open the downloaded file in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Access the list icon at the top right of the browser and select “Add-ons.”
  2. Select “Plugins,” and then select Adobe Acrobat.
  3. Select “Never Activate” in the drop-down menu at the right of the plugin.
  4. Open the graphic organizer. In the upper right-hand corner, click “Open with Different Viewer.”
  5. Choose the “Open with Adobe Acrobat” option from the pop-up screen.
  6. Click the check box in the pop-up screen that asks “Do this automatically from now on?”.
  7. Click “OK” at the bottom.
  8. The graphic organizer will now open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The following link provides instructions for various ways to view PDFs in your browser: