Every time a Republican is elected president, a recession follows. If we want to avoid another recession, we should elect a Democrat as our next president.
The public should not take the County Commissioner’s plans for the budget seriously. He is a former alcoholic whose wife recently divorced him.
Since 88% of the people polled believe in UFOs, they must exist.
If I buy this cell phone, everyone will love me.
I am in college because it’s the right thing to do. Going to college is the right thing to do because I’ve made that decision.
Bandwagon: That a majority of the people polled believe in UFOs does not prove that UFOs exist.
Non Sequitur
Non Sequitur: There is no logical reason that people will love someone based on a cell-phone purchase.
Circular Logic
Circular Logic: The statement concludes with the same idea with which it began.
Post Hoc
Post Hoc: Even if it's true that recessions always occur during a Replublican presidency, the real cause hasn't been examined.
Ad Hominen
Ad Hominem: This attack on the Commissioner says nothing about the budget plans. Instead it's a personal attack.